We’ll be running 13 week championships 4 times a year. Each Friday night over the 13 week period the points scored in the finals will be added to the championship table. The best 8 of the 13 rounds will count towards the final standings allowing drivers to miss 5 nights over the period and still have the chance of maximum scoring over the championship period. It will also allow some flexibility when the venue is not available for use like Easter and Christmas.
100 points are awarded for the winner of the A Final with each finishing position after receiving a decreasing number of points. The winner of a championship is therefore most likely to be the driver that is most consistent over the 13 week period.
Having club championships will add a more competitive theme to the racing and hopefully not get too serious so we lose the fun element. It’s what our members wanted, so now we have it!
We’re discussing the awarding of Trophies for each championship if the club has the funds.
Drivers performance can be found on the the results page, check it out here.